choreography and direction antonello tudisco
Concept Vincenzo Ambrosino and Antonello Tudisco
Assistant Dramaturgy Domenico Ingenito
Supervised by Davide Iodice
Music by Renato Fiorito / Chiara Mallozzi
Lighting design by Marco Giusti
Scenography Massimo Staich
Costumes Dario Biancullo
Performers Rebecca Collins / Gaetano Montecasino / Angelo Petracca / Francesco Russo / Piotr Waich
Interno5 production with the support of the MIC - Italian Ministry of Culture
Co-production Teatro Mercadante
in productive collaboration Ravello Festival Dance and Trends 2018 and C.RE.ARE Campania Residence
Mercy can be considered as an act of kindness that takes place immediately, the comfort given or sought can allow those who exercise it to create a better life condition. The show investigates, not the religious value of the charitable act but the secular, human one, linked to the possibility of giving real and concrete relief, however asking some questions:
Can, for example, kindness be cruel? Can mercy fail? In contemporary society, aid to the needy can only be a "front" and not very concrete, necessary only to generate mechanisms of fake humanitarianism that momentarily appease consciences.
The starting point for reflection is the painting The Seven Works of Mercy by Caravaggio, in which the symbolic language used makes Mercy read as a real and human need, through gestures and characters that not only represent an aesthetic and ideal image, but make it vivid and profoundly concrete. The actions tell of bodies that help each other and act for a collective well-being. Transposed to the present day, these concrete and effectively mutual aid actions are extended to the dramatic situation experienced by migrants who, through continuous
Mediterranean. And this is the other research axis on which the show investigates, focusing on those failed or halved acts of Mercy that are implemented towards this needy humanity.
A humanity given by the dancers' bodies which, as signs of a language in which the mutuality of the gesture generates new life animated by a group vision that acts in a cohesive and non-isolated way in small autonomous and distinct realities.